Sunday, January 13, 2013

Brainstorming Break

Due to the craziness of the last few weeks, I have severely neglected this blog. Now that I am ready to get back on track with my research, I thought it might be a good idea to spend one post figuring out what I have accomplished thus far and where I intend to go in the coming weeks.

I just posted another set of links on education inequality, to add to about 10 links I have already posted. These posts are basically an aggregation of some of the research I have been doing. Although I am thoroughly enjoying collecting these contemporary articles, I think I need to start getting organized with my research. In the coming weeks, I hope to research the "problem" section of my paper in a more focused manner, according to the following rough guiding outline. I plan to modify the outline as I research, so this is not a final product. After that, I will turn to the "solutions". 

  1. The problems
    1. Quality of education
      1. Issues that stem from US public school system/federal funding system
        1. class size
        2. physical conditions of school building
        3. teacher:student ratio
        4. quality of teachers/administrators
        5. after-school programming/extracurricular activities
        6. variety of classes; Advanced Placement courses
        7. management and administration of schools
        8. special education
      2. Issues that stem from a student's upbringing or community
        1. English as a second language
        2. literacy
        3. security considerations
        4. emotional/psychological/physical health
        5. dropout rates
        6. lack of access to tutors, private lessons, extra-curricular activities, etc.
    2. Implications of education Inequality
      1. standardized testing
      2. teacher evaluations
      3. college admissions
      4. employment (aspirations and actual employment)
      5. social mobility
      6. emotional/psychological health
      7. literacy (individual, familial)
      8. economic implications (cycle of poverty)
      9. community growth or stagnancy

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